A Thief Named Pain, Whose Instigator Is A Thief Named Stress

person on a mountain

I suffer from multiple chronic pain illnesses. I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease many years ago, which caused occasional flare-ups after working too many hours at the office, but by and large, I was able to fully function. Then one morning in the spring of 2007 I woke up feeling like someone had beaten the heck out of me, especially in my upper arms, hips, and thighs. I remember trying to get ready for work, but the pain was so overwhelming I couldn’t. Along with the pain, it felt like I hadn’t slept in weeks. My body felt heavy. I was exhausted. Feeling too bad to make it through an entire day at a desk, I called my manager to let her know I was sick. Figuring I had a virus or flu that would surely get better with sleep, I settled back into my comfy bed in hopes of sleeping it off. Unfortunately, days went by with no relief. I felt tireder than ever in my life. The pain was so excruciating I couldn’t tolerate anyone touching me. My depression had worsened also, but that seemed normal considering what I was going through. I made an appointment with my family physician, who conferred I likely had a virus, but wanted to run some labs anyway. She put me off work a couple more days and prescribed rest.

Several more days went by with no relief. I made another appointment with her. This time she spent a significant amount of time with me, concerned my health wasn’t improving. She had me stand up while she touched various parts of my body; my hips, my thighs, my arms, my elbows, and several other places. Each time her hand pushed against my body, the pain was overwhelming, with exception to a few places. She proceeds to spring the word Fibromyalgia on me, explaining it is a condition causing widespread chronic pain. She further explained a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia could be made when 15 out of 18 specific tender points were in active pain (I had 15) and other illnesses were ruled out. She explained it included chronic fatigue, exasperated depression, would explain my recent migraines, and triggered Irritable Bowel Symptoms (IBS), which I’d been diagnosed with for years. She prescribed medication for nerve pain, printed information for my reading pleasure, placed me on short term disability from work, and referred me to a pain specialist? Wow! Really? My head was spinning. I felt completely overwhelmed hearing a word I’d never heard before.

Living in Constant Pain

I began researching Fibromyalgia, but didn’t find as much information as I’d hoped for. There wasn’t as much then as there is now. From that point on, it seems my life went down-hill. I was in pain all the time, extremely exhausted, very depressed, but wanted to continue living. I began seeing various specialists over a several year span and each time a new symptom arose. Each visit led to tests and more tests. Each test led to additional diagnoses. I was becoming worn from the Doctor visits and tests. I just wanted my life back!

I ended up running out of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), therefore losing my job. I was hired by a corporate company I’d spent several years with previously, but became so sick again nine months into it, I ended up losing that job, because I wasn’t yet eligible for FMLA, A RIF (Reduction in Workforce) was occurring; guess who was high on the list? Yes, me! I was able to quickly find another job and local this time. This would undoubtedly work for me, since I wouldn’t have the tiring commutes to add to the struggle of the workday. Sadly, that was not the case. My body held up awhile, but within another nine months I was out of the picture again. After being number one sales representative within our sales division, ranking close behind first place consistently, this was a huge blow! At least this time it was more of a mutual farewell. I was not only physically ill, emotionally distraught, and depressed, but now anger resided within. How dare this disease rob me of everything I worked so long and hard to accomplish!

Robber 2

By then I was experiencing even more symptoms with a lot more pain. Now my knees, lower back, and hips were consistently in pain. I was already seeing several specialists, but there would be another added, my amazing Rheumatoid Doctor! I’d heard amazing things about him, learning people drove from hours away to see him. Within a few minutes of him examining my various joints and back, and looking at my existing MRI’s, he diagnosed me with another unfamiliar disease, Spondylitis! It wasn’t typical of me to be confused by terminology, but these Doctors were throwing me for a loop! He continued to explain Spondylitis falls under a group of chronic, long lasting diseases called Spondyloarthritis, explained it is inflammation of the vertebra, and was a form of Psoriatic Arthritis, an auto-immune disease. He further elaborated my spine would progress to fusing, also saying it can be genetic, which instilled an entirely new fear in me. The disease coincides with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which I was recently diagnosed with. He ordered genetic testing, additional labs and tests, and prescribed me medication. Here we go again! I did not have the gene, which was a sigh of relief, but doesn’t mean my children/grandchildren can’t follow suit with the disease. He eventually also diagnosed me with Osteopenia, a marked increase of bone loss, and precursor to Osteoporosis. I also had Degenerative Osteoarthritis in several parts of my body, especially my spine. All this, in addition to the for-mentioned. Little did I know then, more chronic illnesses would continue to be diagnosed. Those are all we shall discuss today though. He advised me to apply for permanent disability, which I fought him on for well over a year! Wow! I was relieved to finally have a name to put to all these often debilitating symptoms, but I wasn’t quite ready to put my career aside.

Woman back pain

I couldn’t understand where this thief named “pain” came from. He was fairly unfamiliar to me prior to 2007, except for tooth aches, ear aches, a car accident, a sprained ankle, etc. How did he creep up on me so quickly and why? Some of the chronic diseases I’d been diagnosed with were diseases that just happen. However, some, such as Fibromyalgia are exasperated by a thief named “stress”! Hmmm….were “pain” and “stress” related? Had they been in cahoots with one another to rob me of my life all this time? Upon further research I learned “pain” and “stress” were related, and often worked together to rob people of their lives, but “stress” is the instigator. He loves getting “pain” started! By the time a person realizes “stress” is at work, “pain” has already jumped on-board. Fortunately “stress” can be run off, but apparently “pain” likes to hang around long after “stress” is gone.

You see, “stress” is a monster, and once allowed to enter our minds, takes over our entire bodies. This is why it is so important to be in touch with our emotions, recognizing when we’re falling outside the realm of feeling normal, finding ways to to “relax”, which is “stress’s” worst enemy! When we learn how to relax, we’re able to cope with unpleasant and tiring events in our lives. There are many suitable relaxation methods. Webmd.com lists the following ten. For a complete definition of each, see visit their link: http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/blissing-out-10-relaxation-techniques-reduce-stress-spot?page=2

  1. Meditation
  2. Deep Breathing
  3. Being Present
  4. Reaching out
  5. Tuning in to our bodies
  6. Decompressing
  7. Laughing Out Loud (LOL)
  8. Cranking Some Tunes
  9. Get Moving
  10. Being Grateful

Any one or combination of these suggestions will be beneficial, yet it’s important to find those that work best for each of us. I’ve learned to use most of these. While working with a counselor on Emotional Brain Training (EBT) I learned deep breathing releases good endorphin’s. I use that one often now when feeling overwhelmed. It works, give it a try!  Since I am an open book, reaching out works exceptionally well for me. Somehow sharing all that bad stuff seems to make me feel better! However, I find meditation most beneficial personally. Mediation can be achieved in many ways. My preference is good ole’ prayer to our Heavenly Father, and reading the best book ever, the bible. You see, God is always steadfast in his love for us. He never fails us!

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Yes indeed, He is a good listener! He is patient and kind! He will let us do all the talking as long as we want. He longs to hear from us. My prayer life and daily devotion has backslid many times throughout my life. I get busy, get away from fellowship with like believers, feel too bad, or whatever excuse of the day it is. That’s when I find myself becoming overwhelmed again. I’ve learned staying in touch with Him is all it really takes to knock “stress” right out of left field! When I get “stress” out of sight, “pain” seems to become weaker. Although I haven’t been able to completely knock “pain” out of the park, without “stress” around instigating, he doesn’t always win!

Holy Bible

Why don’t you give prayer to our Savior, Jesus Christ, a try. You may find “stress” will never find you again!

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